Monday, 7 November 2011

Article Research

In my article I am going to include an interview of a band.
im going to ask them a variety of questions so that my target audience want to hear more about them and so they can get interested about the band and indie style.
The questions I am going to ask will include gossip and information and past experience I will also ask questions of the history of them band. The questions I will be asking are as followed.....................
1. What are all your names?
2. What instruments do you all play?
3. How long have you all been together?
4. Do you enjoy playing live?
5. Weres the best place you like playing?
6. Do you have many fans?
7. Witch is the nicest thing a fan has done for you?
8. Do you receive any gifts of your fans?
9. How do your new songs differ from your older songs?
10. Who writes the songs?
11. What makes your songs different from other bands?
12. Do you have any history like any new band members or old band members?
13. What would you be hopping to produce for the future?
14. How did the band form?
15. Do you all get along?
16. Whos got the worst habit?
17. What famous band would you all relate yourselves to?
18. What your bands name?
19. Who made the name up or were did it come from?
20. When are you planning to do another gig?

What I used to help me research:

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